Safety Rules
            General Rules

1. ALWAYS walk ten feet in front of the bus, NEVER behind       the bus.

2. ALWAYS stay at least five giant steps (about ten feet) away from the side of the bus while waiting for the bus or immediately after getting off.

3. If you drop something, tell the bus driver and NEVER try         to pick it up.

4. NEVER run to catch the bus. 

Getting On the Bus

1. If you have to cross the road to get onto the school bus:

a.  Stay on the side of the road, away from traffic, until the bus stops and the driver signals to cross.

b.  When the driver signals that it is safe to cross, you should first check for traffic. Many motorists illegally pass stopped school buses. So you (and the bus driver) must check for traffic in both directions: look left-right-left.

c.     As you cross in front of the school bus, watch the driver. If you can see the driver, the driver can see you.

2. Board the bus using the handrail.

3. Move toward the rear quickly without crowding or                    pushing.

4. Sit down quickly. 

Getting Off the Bus

1. Stay seated until the bus stops.

2. Don’t push or play on the way off the bus.

3. Use the handrails to avoid falling. Watch that straps, drawstrings and clothing don’t get caught in the handrail or the door.

4. Glance toward the rear of the bus before stepping off the bus.  By looking to the rear of the bus, you can make sure that no motorists are passing on the right.

           5.  Move ten feet away from the bus at once.

           6.  If you have to cross the road to get home:

a.      Stay on the side of the road away from traffic and ten feet ahead of the bus where you can see the driver’s face.

b.      When the driver signals that it is safe to cross, cross to the outside edge of the bus and check both ways for traffic.

c.      If it’s clear, cross quickly.

d.      If it’s not clear, return to the curb.

While Riding the Bus

           1.   Keep your seat at all times when the bus is moving

           2.   Keep your arms and head inside the windows

           3.   Unnecessary conversation with the driver is dangerous.  Please remain quiet

4.  Outside of ordinary conversation, classroom conduct is           to be observed.

           5.   Absolute silence is required at all railroad crossings

6.  The driver is in full charge of the bus and pupils. Pupils  must obey the    driver

 7.  The driver has the right to assign pupils to certain seats  if  necessary to promote order on the bus

           8.   No eating, drinking allowed on the bus

           9.   Riding the bus is a privilege.  Please do not abuse it